sand storm all day long! hiekkamyrskyä koko päivä!

Yes, yesterday was sooo beautiful… but TODAY it’s been terrible!
All day sand storm and now the sand is EVERYWHERE!
I was outside just to shoot those surfaces. Was enough!
Eilinen ihana päivä on vain muisto! Tänään KAIKKI paikat on täynnä hiekkaa!
Koko päivän kestänyt järjetön tuuli ja sen mukana lentävä hiekka tulee silmiin, joka paikkaan! Ulkona kävin sen verran että sain nuo pinnat kuvattua. Riitti!

Air is thick from sand…

Ilma on sakeana hiekasta…

You know what this means? CLEANING – inside & outside! argh…
Ja tiedättekö mitä tämä tarkoittaa? SIIVOAMISTA – ulkona & sisällä! argh…

0 thoughts on “sand storm all day long! hiekkamyrskyä koko päivä!”

  1. Ooh! I can see how that would affect your mood…but seriously, Blogitse…your blogs are too short for a person like me who has lots of time on his hands! Since you are busy sweeping up, I will write a very very short story for you and post tomorrow! : D

  2. Yuck.I sure don’t envy you for that!Maybe that’s what you get for teasing us with the temperatures yesterday 😉I don’t envy you for the cleaning either. I vividly remember THAT part!Btw. would you mind sending me an email and tell me what region you are in (not the detailed spot, just the region).“cause hubby and I where talking about sand storms and Egypt and he was surprised you have them.


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