guestion of the day: what are these 3… päivän kysymys: mitä nämä 3 ovat…

you can eat all of them (more or less) but they need to be peeled first…

kaikki kolme ovat syötäviä (enemmän tai vähemmän) mutta ne pitää ensin kuoria…

0 thoughts on “guestion of the day: what are these 3… päivän kysymys: mitä nämä 3 ovat…”

  1. Nicole did it again! Well done!But I have to say to you helped each others….team work!Next one is ready and shouldn’t be too difficult but what should we do with Nicole? 🙂

  2. NOT pizza! 🙂There are 3 different items..One of them is green inside, dark small seeds…You can buy these almost anywhere…even in Finland we have these! So, not that difficult!andyou can buy these all from the same ‘counter’ in a supermarket…

  3. OK, Nicole will probably get this one…she is good at these crazy pics….ummmm…its NOT a pizza! Is it a banana? A shrimp? Is it some crazy fruit or vegetable I’ve never even heard of?! A kumquat?…OK Nicole…its all yours! : )


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