an answer and a question… vastaus ja kysymys…

I asked you about this image, what can you see…
kysyin mitä näitte tässä kuvassa…

it was a macro of the sand pattern…
se oli macro hiekkakuviosta…

i was in fever yesterday, still weak and sweaty…but before i go to relax i want ask you a question…

olin eilen kuumeessa, vielä on heikko ja hikinen olo…ennen kuin menen punkkaan lepäämään kysyn yhden kysymyksen…



0 thoughts on “an answer and a question… vastaus ja kysymys…”

  1. HI EVERYBODY!Thanks for your comments and greetings while sick, ill…Now i feel almost normal…This day still easy going and tomorrow, I hope, normal day routines again!There’s a new ‘small’ question for you – what is love?The word is just a word. What does it really mean?We love: ‘your shot’, ‘chocklate’, ‘summer’ etc.should we have a new word, meaning love between people?

  2. Hope you feel better by now!I would have guessed a carpet too 😀Happiness for me is when my family and friends are healthy and best if they are with me 🙂

  3. Olisi pitänyt arvata kun samat matskut löytyy meiltä, kärpäslätkäkin on samalla tapaa rikki, vaan eipä juolahtanut mieleen.Onni..kännykkä varmasti tuntee samoin kun sen laittaa lataukseen…se on hetki jolloin yhtäkkiä lämmin hyvänolon virtaus täyttää ruumiin ja sielun varpaista hiusjuureen, voi vain sulkea silmänsä ja haltioitua siitä tunteesta, yrittää varastoida sitä joka soluunsa ja huomata että juuri nyt tässä on ihanaa – minä olen. Sillä jaksaa taas pitkälle..seuraavaan lataukseen asti.

  4. Happiness is a warm ray of sun in April. Happiness is when your fever goes away. Happiness is the smile of someone you have made happy… Happiness is lots of little things. It’s a wonderful feeling 🙂Feel better!

  5. In some ways, it seems a sense that comes and goes.In some other way, it seems to be there all the time.I do know that feeling healthy is a kind of happiness, so get well soon!

  6. That is question that can have so many answers and is so individual…Happiness to me is so many things, big and small. Not only one person, place or object but many in my life that have come and gone or stayed with me always…I could write forever on what happiness is, but so that I am not redundant…to me, happiness is what makes me smile, what makes me laugh, what I am in awe of, what I find beautiful…BG

  7. Ohoh, I was dead sure it was a carpet pattern! Never would have guessed the right answer…Happiness…can be so many things. You can be happy for moments, be happy about something.To acquire anad maintain a state of constant happiness is hard, if not impossible, because our world is so full of things that threaten our happiness all the time. I guess one can be happy when one feels emotionally good inside.


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