
Day: May 31, 2009

back to daily life after relaxing weekend…takaisin arkeen rentouttavan viikonlopun jälkeen…

we had a relaxing weekend…swimming, sunbathing, BBQ…today back to daily routines, it’s ‘Monday’ here… there’s been a really beautiful weekend in Finland too, I heard… meillä oli mukavan rento viikonloppu…uitiin, otettiin vähän sunia ja grillattiin…ja tänään taas takaisin arkeen, on meidän ‘maanantai’…. Suomessa on kuuleman mukaan ollut upea viikonloppu, kiva! ja olette nauttineet ylioppilas- ym.

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EDITED version of your WOrds & my IMAges = WO*IMA, nro 19

your WOrds about this IMAge: mythopolis OOh, lucky me! Today I found just the fabrics I need to make a new pair of pants! *** Umm, excuse me sir, but do you have the kind that fly? *** Do you have anything larger? Maybe big enough to wrap up a body? Thanks Mytho!  I posted

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