
Day: February 26, 2010

your WOrds my IMAge = WO*IMA #57

my IMAge #57: we had a thunder+hailstorm in Cairo 25.2.2010 for 2-3 hours as usual you have time till Sunday 6 pm Cairo timeHere’s a link to world clock 🙂  kuten ennenkin aikaa on sunnuntaihin asti klo 18 Kairon aikaaDon’t know what WO*IMA is about? Every Saturday I give you an IMAge. You give me YOUR OWN WOrds: thoughts, a quote, a poem

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thunderstorm in Cairo, Egypt

We had a thunderstorm spiced with hailstorm on Thursday 25.2.2010 just couple of minutes before the storm started… pieces of roof tiles after the storm shot next morning…

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