you pay the full price but…

you get second class stuff…
or what do you think?
This is what we got…
How anyone dare to give this kind of shit for the full price (rent)?
and how charming is this? 

0 thoughts on “you pay the full price but…”

  1. Some people are greedy. They’re not interested anything else but money.
    Not to invest so that people living in his/her place would feel positive, happy with all the stuff. No. Here’s the shit for you, have a good day and I keep the money I get! attitude is disgusting.
    Here the owner gets the whole 12 month pay by check and if you don’t demand all the changes before that payment the owner is not interested about you or your demands after that.
    I thought Cairo was difficult but it’s far more difficult here.
    Not very well organized, you don’t get nothing on paper – off you go and wonder ‘where’re we now’…

  2. Hi everyone!
    BG – It’s finally over!
    Mrsblogalot – thanks! I’d love to use your stuff! 🙂
    Helja – and how many years ago that was?
    It’s 2010 and a posh lady like the owner is should not provide that kind of shit to anybody!
    That’s insulting! For the full price of the rent!

    Kylla tama tasta taas lahtee nousuun! 🙂

  3. Looks like my first apartment here in Ireland. I gave up and bought everything myself (including the hoover) as I liked the apartment and the location. But you have still things to come from Egypt so it is not the same.
    Tsemppihalaus ja voimaa!!!

  4. Hi everyone!
    Thanks for your comments/support!
    I’ve been busy packing our stuff. On Sunday we bought a lot to eat/drink (we drink bottled water), toilet paper etc. Now we have to move all those plus other things to our friend’s place because we can’t take everything in the hotel room.
    I’ve been running between the hotel and this flat moving my clothes etc. so that we have less bags in the evening when the car comes to do the final move to the hotel.
    Guess am I tired? Yes, but now we have hope for better!

    In Finnish:
    Torkeeta, sikamaista ja surullisen ikavaa.
    Me olimme viitta vaille lahdossa jo takaisin Suomeen kunnes ‘isot pomot’ puuttuivat asiaan ja hommat alkoi rullaamaan oikeaan suuntaan.
    Katta vaannettiin viela tana aamuna mutta onneksi ei pitkaan.
    Tama on ensimmainen kerta kun firman puolelta on toimittu joka suhteessa tassa asiassa…huonosti.
    En halua yksityiskohtia puida julkisesti. Mieheni on ollut yli 20v samassa lafkassa eli hanet ja toimintansa/tyon jalkensa tiedataan hyvaksi. Plus han on hyva ihminen.
    En sieda enka hyvaksy suhtautumista tietyilta tahoilta tahan meidan tilanteeseemme. Empatiataso ISO NOLLA!
    Taalla on TAYSIN eri meininki kuin missaan muualla missa olemme asuneet aiemmin.
    Jos kysytte millaisen arvosanan antaisin tuolle ‘tietyille tahoille’ se olisi 4 ja pitka miinus!
    Toisaalta hyvaa on tullut juuri sielta mista pitaisikin jos ajattelee tilannetta kokonaisvaltaisesti.

    Seuraavaksi keraan vikan lastin jonka vien kavellen hotlaan. Loput viedaan autolla illalla…

    En tieda viela onko huomiseksi saatu asuntoja tsekattavaksi….siita riippuu huomisen ohjelma.
    Nyt roudaamaan! 🙂

  5. Our own stuff is still…somewhere. So we need (and it’s in the contract) cooking equipment, plates etc. as long as our own stuff comes.
    Vacuum cleaner, beds, mattresses, sofas, tables, chairs etc. are provided by the owner for the whole time we live in her/his place, 1-2 years.

    Everywhere we’ve been before all those things were NEW.
    Here? Oh, boy!
    I’ve taken pictures of the flats we’ve visited.
    And I’m not talking about luxury stuff. Just clean and decent would be good enough.

  6. Siis asunto oli täysin kalustettu`? Aika törkeää että tavara on sitten tuonlaatuista.Toivottavasti löytyy pian uusi ja parempi koti.Onko vaikeaa löytää?


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