I need a break…

…because our home hunting takes all my time and energy right now 
(today the owner raised the rent, 
had a meeting, 
promised to call back when suitable time to visit…
no call…)
I don’t know when I’ll be back…
at this very moment I miss my life in Cairo, Egypt…

0 thoughts on “I need a break…”

    Situation today, Fri 14.5.10, we found a flat > met the owner > moving in on Thu 20.5. IF everything goes as planned.
    Nothing is sure until we live in…then I believe it’s true and we can finally start our ‘normal’, daily life here…

    Thanks for your support and kind words!


  2. Nothing ever stays the same, it will change. Sometimes when things seem to be upside down, they are turned right side up with something better.

    Your something better is coming… hang in there!

  3. I thought I left a comment – I must have pushed the wrong button!
    Sounds like someone is pushing all the wrong buttons for you too.
    How about a swim and a margarita?
    Here’s a hug.
    Feel better?

  4. Thanks for your comments!
    It’s great you’re so positive because I’m really…emotional right now. Tired, fed up, sad………………
    But I try to put myself together before 10 am when we start hunting again…………..

  5. No voihan rähmä. Onhan niitä sanontoja, kuten suo siellä jne. Tsemppiä asunnon hankintaan!

    (Viime päivinä itse olen miettinyt sitä hetkeä kuinka helpottunut olinkaan päästessäni pois Pariisista ja kuinka onnellinen olisinkaan jos tulisi mahdollisuus muuttaa takaisin. Onkohan tässä paimentolaiselämässä mitään järkeä?)


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