wordless wednesday in Casablanca, Morocco…

wordless Wednesday (and Thursday) in Casablanca, Morocco…

Street view, Casablanca, Morocco


street sign in Casablanca, Morocco


walking in Casablanca, Morocco, city center


pavement, Casablanca, Morocco


garbage everywhere, Casablanca, Morocco


rubbish everwhere Casablanca, Morocco


coffee time, Casablanca, Morocco


good coffee in Casablanca, Morocco



39 thoughts on “wordless wednesday in Casablanca, Morocco…”

  1. The city has a charm, I must say. I always had interest in Morocco, believe it or not…

    … because it is a Francophone country

    … because I like its food

    … and because it sounds faraway and exquisite

    Enjoy 🙂

    • Casablanca has a charm but it takes effort to find it…Unfortunately it’s very dirty and traffic is dangerous. This week almost hit by a car and a motorbike – again.

  2. You made your point, no doubt about that! 🙂 Nevertheless it’s a great post opposite to the touristic brochures and I always enjoy seing ‘the other side’ too. The second pic is my favourite.
    It’s been a long time since I last visited this country.

    • I guess you found your way here from Stickup Artist’s blog 🙂 She’s a brilliant photographer, natural talent.
      Most us don’t want to see the truth, ‘the other side’. But every country/city has it’s ‘other side’. World is not one beautiful touristic brochure.
      When I look travel blogs/photos they are mostly invating and beautiful but lack of the other side. If I travel to a new place I want to know about how daily life is, how does it feel to walk around, is the air clean, what do you see behind the corner…
      I’ll try to be positive next time (I’ve been already on my photoblog!)…Thanks for your visit & comment!

  3. Oh dear, I see now why every time I post photos of a Dutch city you always remark how clean and neat everything looks! I don’t notice anymore, until I go back to Argentina, I have to say. Amazing how little love or pride for their own environment people have where you are.

    • 🙂 now you know!
      I had the same feeling when we visited Bilbao, Spain. So clean! Most of the cars, buses were quite new, not horrible old ones like here which pollute our air to breath and ears to hear!
      I wish a local would read all the comments here and would act!

  4. An all too typical urban set of problems. It’s a shame because the buildings look quite nice and new. It doesn’t seem like a neighborhood that would be full of desperate urban dwellers that have “given up.”

    Seems like a good tonic though, a nice creamy cup of strong coffee. Always does wonders.

    • Some of the houses LOOK very beautiful. But imagine this area to be one of the best in Casa!? Most expensive and yet dirty.
      People take care only what’s inside their flat. When the door is closed behind their back, so is responsibilities and interest of clean environment.
      There are a zillion men, parking/security, just sit and gossip all day long. Why not pay little extra to clean, fix broken things and fill up holes…
      One day I’ll try to shoot the traffic. It’s dangerous and arrogant.
      It’s interesting how in Finland you get a fine if over speed 10km/h even if the road is totally empty. – Here in the city you can drive as you like. Everybody knows where and when problems are but they don’t do nothing about it. Most of the streets are like battle fields.

    • Oh, I’m not fearless! Most of us are not interested what’s the truth. One Moroccan site says ‘all the writings have to be positive about Morocco’.
      Every country, every city has problems. Why should I shut up or not to show what’s the reality?
      Maybe people here are used to live among trash. They don’t see it disgusting like me. I don’t know.

  5. These are wonderful pictures, very descriptive. They kind of make you stop and reflect about how different, yet similar, places are. And I love the last one of the coffee as well.

    • One thing what I do like a lot – clean environment. I don’t like Singapore’s style – too sterile. People should use common sense NOT to throw trash on the street or behind a corner.
      Here you can see huge cocroaches. No wonder why…But the coffee is good almost at any cafe! 🙂

  6. Matkalla kahvilaan näkee kaikenlaista. Tuo voisi olla meiltäkin joiltakin alueilta, samanlaista kaikin puolin. Meilläkin on noita vihreitä roskiksia, saksalaisia juu, meidän kaupungilla on sopimus saksalaisfirman kanssa jätehuollosta. Se ei silti estä kansalaisia roskaamasta. Ja mikä hassuinta, kerrostaloasunnotkin pidetään siisteinä sisältä, raja menee kynnyksellä, rappukäytävällä ei ole väliä, ja roskapussinkin voi heittää ikkunasta ulos kun ei jaksa kävellä alas asti.

    • Aivan sama taalla! Hissi on p…nen, seinat taynna kadenjalkia, piha taynna monttuja ja koloja mutta autoja kylla puunataan!
      Taallahan parvekkeet pestaan heittamalla vetta ja luuttuamalla. Ei se haittaa jos ihmisia kavelee jalkakaytavalla – menevat sitten kadulle.
      Eiko naissa maissa ihmisille opeteta perussiisteyskasvatusta missaan vaiheessa elamaa? Pyykkia pestaan, meikataan, pukeudutaan keskella paivaa kuin iltajuhliin tai toisin pain, nuttu, pyjaman housut ja tohvelit jalassa mutta kaiken irtoavan voi kadestaan heittaa mihin tykkaa.
      Ihmiset on joko todella itsekkaita > eivat ajattele muiden mukavuutta tai karsimysta, ymmartamattomia ettei kaupungissa voi elaa aina juuri niin kuin itselle sopii vaan on huomioita kanssaelajat.
      Eihan taalla ole mitaan yhtiovastikesysteemiakaan. Meilta meni hissi rikki. Ei sita voinut korjata ennen kuin kaikilta asukkailta oli saatu rahat kasaan.
      Jos on kylpparin toinen hana muutaman paivan kayttamatta sielta tulee aivan ruskeaa vetta. Kaikki putket ruosteessa. Ja silta haiseekin.
      Silti hinnat on Helsingin keskustan luokkaa vaikka taso on…en viitsi aaneen sanoa! Todella harskia touhua…argh!

    • Voi sen noinkin nahda. Ihmisella taalla on kylla viela vaikeampaa.
      Meinasin jaada moottirpyoran alle taas tanaan kun nuori kundi ajoi vastaan liikennetta. Onneksi huomasin mikrosekuntia ennen kuin olisin jaanyt alle.
      Kundia kohdeltiin kuin sankaria – koulun edessa jengit huuteli siihen malliin.

  7. Aika epäsiistiä.Noita puita löytyy täältäkin ja samanlaisia vihreitä roskiksiakin jossain paikoissa,taitavat olla suomalaisia Sulo-roskiksia (ainakin täällä niitä on ja nuo näyttävät samoilta,mutta puuttuuko noista kannet?)

    • Taalla on ydinkeskustassa paikoin niin saastaista etten suostuisi jallani astumaan.
      Takalaisilta valitettavasti puuttuu taysin oma-aloitteisellisuus. Tehdaan vasta kun joku kaskee. Onhan taalla toki kaikenlaisia jarjestoja mutta en ole kuullut yhdestakaan joka siivoaisi tai aktivoisi kaupungin siivoamiseen.
      En tieda onko roskikset suloja vai ei mutta ne suurin osa rikki, taynna reikia. Kaikki eivat sulje muovipusseja joten rotat, linnut, kissat, koirat levittavat kaiken ympariinsa…
      Autoista kylla pidetaan huolta! Niita puunataan joka paiva. Varakkaammat pukeutuvat vimpan paalle mutta hienoista autoista hekin roskat tielle heittavat. Ei kulje varakkuus ja sivistys todellakaan kasi kadessa – ainakaan taalla.

  8. Crumbling buildings and trash everywhere can be depressing. I like cities with a strong sanitation program, and where citizens take pride in helping keep it clean. In the early mornings in New York City, you often see shop owners out sweeping their sidewalks, even hosing them clean with water. I remember a big strike by sanitation workers, and garbage pied up everywhere. The whole city smelled like a garbage dump!

    Interesting photos. The old sign on the wall, smeared with whitewash, it appears. And just to the left of the sign…is that some kind of graffiti? I was struck by the interesting lines.

    • It is depressing. Plus I almost lost my life again – a motorbike came from wrong direction against traffic. I noticed it in a last micro second. Here traffic is worse than in Cairo! In Cairo people try to work together but here arrogant, rude people are those who win. NO MANNERS, NO RESPECT!!!

      Shop owners do clean > all the trash goes on the street! Here people do NOT have any pride of their environment. BUT they do take care of their cars! Oh yes!

      I don’t know what the sign is…somebody wanted leave his ‘signature’ on the wall… 🙂

  9. This looks so similar to here. My neighbourhood here doesn’t even have many Sidewalks & hey, at least you have trees and greens there 🙂
    But I see what you mean with holes in the sidewalks and trash, it can get to you,… I try to ignore it as good as I can over here.
    Stay strong!

    • Stay strong – I try but it’s hard. Every time I walk out there at least one car or motorbike is trying to kill me.
      Trash. Everywhere. Nobody cares. Men sit outside gossiping but not cleaning. Why don’t they pay some little extra for security/parking men to clean up?
      Streets are full of huge holes. Nobody cares.
      Pedestrians don’t have any manners. They don’t have any eye for traffic. No, they take half of the lane waiting to cross the street which means chaos for cars which have green light…oh man……


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