WARNING to all expats moving to Casablanca, Morocco

We’ve lived in Casa soon 7 months.

I have nothing good to say how housing is taken care of in this city.

Owners are greedy and don’t keep their word.

They are worst of all countries we’ve lived!

TRUST is totally unknown word here.


What I’ve experienced corruption, nepotism are far more important than the work people are hired for.

Everywhere else, even in Egypt!!!, we were treated better!


expat life in Casablanca Morocco by BLOGitse

I had to clean the cooker. It was cleaned but still disgusting.


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Our oven doesn’t show the temperature how it should.

They have not found a correct button.

Nobody says nothing.

SILENCE is normal way to take care about things here.


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Water leaking in our master bathroom. Still water in the constructions? 🙂 !



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Our landlord promised that this cabinet door will be fixed. Not done.

He promised other things too but not done.


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WE should’ve KNOW that this water heater is wrongly installed!

It should be UPRIGHT!

We can have only a half shower with hot water!!!!

During the summer it wasn’t that important.

I thought hot water was ‘finished from the house’ – I didn’t realize that

all our hot water is in this tank and it’s wrongly installed. How stupid I am.


We have complained about ALL the issues about this flat,

here’s the answer we got:

“If the appartement presents and shows all these problems

why did you choose to take it at all?”


How can we know BEFOREHAND that there’s water going to leak from upstairs?

How can we know that ALL PROMISED things by landlord should’ve done BEFORE moving in

and NOT TO T R U S T his word?

Whose  job is it to make sure the owner keeps his word?

Who should support US?

Now we are accused that all this shit is OUR fault!


I’m so fed up with people here. Everything is always someone else’s fault.

I have not met ONE single person here who would say ‘I’m sorry, it’s MY fault.’ NONE!


I’m almost ready to leave the country and never come back.

This is the WORST place we’ve ever been.

We’ve NEVER EVER been treated as BAD as here in Casablanca.




If you’re an expat and planning to move to Casablanca

contact me first!





34 thoughts on “WARNING to all expats moving to Casablanca, Morocco”

  1. Hi,
    I am a Moroccoan from Casablanca living in Finalnd.
    I know you have wrote this past 2 years and I´d like to know your opinions as me and my Finnish wife about the whole experience. I myself have doubts if I can manage living there after all. Ihave been here 8 years. I hate Casablanca! It was way better 20 years back 🙁

    It would be nice if you can share some information about Finnish community over there.

    I hope you are doing ok:)


    • Sorry I’m tired but quickly:
      I didn’t have any Finnish connection over there.
      So many people have said the same ’20 yrs back it was better’. You can feel it when looking some of the old buildings…
      If you have a lot of money it might be nice – if you like that kind of lifestyle )fast cars, shopping, shopping… – not for me).
      Traffic is terrible, people colder than in Cairo.
      What I like, you might dislike.

      Thanks, I’m fine, studying Spanish in Málaga. Hard work but I like Spanish 🙂
      Hasta luego!

  2. Sorry your time has been so horrible and you have such an awful landlord. However, I find your tone dismissive of an entire country and population of people of people who have never been anything but kind to me and I don’t speak French or Arabic.

    I lived in China for 9 years in the 4th year lived in the worst apartment with the worst landlady of all time. I had to remember that this was one person not a whole culture. The next one was great.

    I love how friendly people in Casablanca are to children. My son is always getting free food from vendors.

    I hope you were successful in finding a silver lining in your time in morocco. It is best not to travel to developing countries if your unable to be flexible and a little less judgmental.

    • Thank you for your comment!
      At the time I wrote this post I was tired and frustrated – I can still feel that when reading this post many months later…
      I didn’t judge the whole country or population. This post was subjetive experience but warning because I heard so many other similar stories.
      A word ‘Casablanca” sounds romantic but real life is not a movie. Income gap in Casa was huge.

      Our familymember lived in China so I do know something about problems over there too.
      There’s not a country without problems – problems just vary.
      Result of the greediness is what we experience now, globally. So sad.

  3. I can only imagine how frustrating it may be to feel like you are talking to a wall…

    Sorry you are going through it… not sure how exactly, but I hope things ease up for you somehow…

    • Things will not change. Landlord is not interested – he gets montlhy rent, that’s all he’s interested.
      We’ve had difficulties before. Earlier company has been supporting us but here not. This is like a battle ground – us vs. locals.
      I don’t trust anybody here. But I, we can survive. Not a very good feeling to stay still…too many months.

    • Hi Khara! Work yes. Never thought this would be….a place like this. We are not alone with problems but I’ve read only one blog where a blogger tells true stories. We want to be polite.
      Most of the blogs are just beautiful pictures. I try to give a good picture but right now it’s hard…..

  4. Hi Blogitse…
    I am so sorry that this is happening to you and giving you such a poor showing for their country.
    154 days? Where are you going?

    Thank you SO MUCH for the link for the word salt! I saw that today on a Russian brand of butter…I think I will be brave and try it!

    I wish you could just come visit me here for awhile!

    • We don’t know yet but Finland is one option.
      You are welcome! 🙂 If you need more help I have a friend whose Russian is fluent…
      Maybe I will visit you but I’d need a visa etc. so it would be much more easier from Finland…let’s see! 🙂

  5. That is just horrible and certainly no way to live. I can’t imagine how landlords’ can take hard earned money in earnest for such appalling conditions. I hope you can leave it all behind soon!

    • They think Casa is in Europe!!! They have European prices but Moroccan poor standard, quality. Still 154 days to go……………….

    • I thought Egypt was difficult! But I was wrong. People in Casa…arrogant, impolite…In Egypt people were more polite even if conditions are worse than here.
      Corruption, nepotism…oh you should know all those stories I’ve heard….

      • Juuri julkaistun kansainvälisen listan mukaan Algeria on korruptiossa huimasti Marokkoa ja Tunisiaa pahempi.. you should know all those stories we’re living every day 🙂

      • Here’s a link to Transparency Internatiol results > TRANSPARENCY.ORG/results

        BEST > Denmark 1
        Finland 4
        U.S. 22
        Morocco 83
        Egypt 98
        Algeria 105
        WORST > Somalia 178

        No wonder why I don’t trust people here…If you can’t trust what’s left?

  6. Oh no that sounds really bad…I am sure Casablanca must have some good sides too,maybe you have just been unlucky and not discovered them.Is there anyway you can change to an another apartment!
    Yritä kestää,haleja!

    • Of course there are good sides but I don’t see them right now.
      TRUST – the most important thing is totally lost here.
      How can you do anything if there’s no TRUST?

      Kylla ma kestan. Lahden Suomeen taas muutaman viikon kuluttua…jos mies ei olisi taalla en tulisi takaisin.

      • 154 paivaa jaljella……………
        En olisi uskonut, etta maa joka on lahempana Eurooppaa kuin Egypti on monessa suheessa huonommassa jamassa kuin jutut Cairossa.
        Ihmiset ovat tylyja ja ylimielisia eika ketaan kiinnosta kuin mina ja ulkonako, ulkoiset puitteet.
        Kakarat saa kayttaytya ihan miten huvittaa, sovinismi rehottaa.
        Haluatko kuulla lisaa? 🙂

      • Ettei vaan tule liian negatiivinen kuva jos kaikki kokemani totuudenmukaisesti kertoisin?!
        Kuvia kylla tulee…esim. siita millaiset liikennevalot taalla on ja miten suojatie on parkkipaikka…………….. 🙂

    • We are not allowed to change to new one and how could we know that would be any better???!!!
      Legal? what’s that???
      Living here has shown how civilized and modern country Finland is. Even if the weather sucks and politicians are a joke – everything works and people have certain rights.

      • You get that everywhere to some degree. I rented an apartment in London for 3 months and caught a fungal lung infection from the damp patches in the bedroom. And the landlords just rented the flat out to someone else without even fixing the problem.

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