from Helsinki to Casablanca…

I was in Helsinki from Tuesday till Saturday – now back in Casablanca.

I was organizing things – we’re going to move back to Helsinki at the end of March.

There was still a lot of snow…


snow in Helsinki by BLOGitse



snow in Helsinki by BLOGitse



snow in Helsinki by BLOGitse



snow in Helsinki by BLOGitse


In Casa it was raining this morning but now the sky is blue again…


plant by BLOGitse



plant by BLOGitse



There are a zillion cats around looking for free dinner…


cat by BLOGitse



cat by BLOGitse



Abandoned houses, buildings are interesting objects to shoot pictures…


broken window by BLOGitse



broken window detail by BLOGitse


I had a technical problem from Sunday evening till Monday midday.

I was not able to read nor sign into my blogs,

you were not able to read/leave comments.

Now everything seems to be normal again.


It’s nice to be back! 🙂



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27 thoughts on “from Helsinki to Casablanca…”

  1. Hi there! I had missed this blog entry – I love snow, I love winter scenes like these! I was thinking – you go from one extreme to the other like it’s nothing!! 😀 You could stop somewhere in the middle, to have a sort of “transition”, I’d say …
    By the way, I wanted to post words for your image on your newest entry, but I get an error message… Is it me or is there a problem?

    • You describe me quite well – I don’t have ‘in the middle’ – it’s either fully or not at all! 🙂
      Thanks for letting me know about the problem – I posted it again – there was some kind of error….Should work now!

  2. Wow, rohkea veto palata Suomeen monen lämpimän vuoden jälkeen, keskelle loskaista kevättä. Toisaalta hyvinkin positiivinen vuodenaika.

    Olen edelleen hahmotusvaiheessa avuntarpeeni suhteen taiteen markkinoinnissa. Pitäisikö ihan rohkaistua ja lähettää sulle meiliä, kuten kehoitit… Vaan taitaa sulla olla kiireiset ajat edessä, mutta myös mielenkiintoiset!

    • Viela ei ole varmaa kuinka pitkaksi aikaa jaamme. Nyt on vaan hyva nollauksen paikka ja miettia mita seuraavaksi.
      Tama vuosi on ollut alyttoman raskas joka tavalla ja tarvitsemme molemmat hengahdystauon.
      Meilaillaan vaan – muhittelen kaikenlaisia virityksia tulevaisuutta ajatellen!

  3. Nice to have you (your blog) back indeed 🙂

    Beautiful shots of the snow and the cat.
    Bet the abandoned houses are fascinating!

    Cool that you move back home!

    • Thanks Nicole!
      Everything is not 100% clear yet…how long we’re going to stay in Finland etc. but it’s going to be nice to see spring in Helsinki!

  4. Wow. Couldn’t hardly get two more extremes in geographic location. I’m sure it makes you appreciate them both all the more. Love the snow images as always, and the delicate plants reaching into the blue sky are gorgeous. And now it seems you are as good at capturing cats as you are humans! I can never seem to get any to sit still and look nicely into my lens, cats that is!

  5. I can imagine it is also nice to be back home after so many years outside, isn’t it?
    Lovely pictures. I wonder if you can say “no” to those cute cats… I couldn’t do it!

    • Yes and no. It’s great to get out from here but I could still live abroad…I don’t have to say no. Waiters take care of them! 🙂

    • Yes, back to Helsinki! But for how long – not sure yet.
      I know, I know Finnish winters are dark and long but we can survive with vitamins, extra light and good amount of snow (it’s brighter with snow) but NOT too much of it!
      Spring is the best! 🙂


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