one view, different skies in Casa…


Casa sky by BLOGitse



Casa sky by BLOGitse



Casa sky by BLOGitse



Casa sky by BLOGitse



Casa sky by BLOGitse



Casa sky by BLOGitse



Casa sky by BLOGitse

Spring – where are you?!





18 thoughts on “one view, different skies in Casa…”

  1. Meiilä on viime päivinä näkynyt vain tuota harmaata.. alkaa jo kyllästyttää. Kevät olisi parasta aikaa, kun ei vielä ole liian kuuma, jokainen harmaa talvipäivä vain lyhentää sitä.. nimittäin kesä valitettavasti tulee aina ajallaan ja siitä en taas niin välittäisi. Nice shots anyway!

    • Taalla on satanut ja aika lailla mutta onneksi ei jatkuvasti…Tanaan on ollut +18, puolipilvista…
      Kesa, sita en osaa edes ajatella juuri nyt! Kunhan paasisi kevaaseen kiinni 🙂

  2. These are so gorgeous. The sky really knows how to put on a good show! What a great idea to photograph the clouds moving through space and present them in a sequence to illustrate the passage of time on a certain afternoon. Often we are too busy to notice, but stopping to look up can put your world back into perspective. Beautifully done!

    • You’re right, we should stop and see more often…
      I still shoot with my G9 – my husband shoots now with D50 – it’s too big and heavy to carry in my bag. I take my G9 everywhere I go! 🙂

  3. aren’t the different skies amazing?! It is one of my favorite things to study and admire! good photos!

    We are covered in snow and ice as you can see from my last 2 posts! Waiting for spring, too….


  4. Wonderful shots. It is getting warm here, which means spring is on its way, or just when we think so winter strikes again…we’ll see…


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