hospital/snow/moving – action in Helsinki


Hi everyone!

I had a long weekend.

On Saturday morning I finally went to the hospital to get help…


BLOGitse in hospital 26.3.2011


The blood tests showed I had problems with leukocytes and CPR –

I got two antibiotics and something to calm down the colon.

Fever’s gone but my stomach is still tense BUT almost normal…

Control blood test is taken today…


I can’t wait to have my daily life back!


Haartman Hospital Helsinki by BLOGitse

Haartman Hospital, Helsinki Finland



Surprise, surprise – snow AGAIN!!!


snow in Helsinki Finland 28.3.2011 by BLOGitse

Snow in Helsinki, Finland  28.3.2011 at 7:47 am



still winter in Helsinki Finland 28.3.2011 by BLOGitse

This snow will not last long if the yellow ball starts to shine… 🙂


On Wednesday at 8 am comes the moving company, 4 men…

This moving will be quick – from one stairway to another…


Most of our staff is in container here in Helsinki

and the rest of the staff comes one day from Casablanca…


And my husband comes on Thursday – can’t wait!!! 🙂


This is going to be a busy week for me –

how about you?



26 thoughts on “hospital/snow/moving – action in Helsinki”

  1. Hi there!
    I do hope that you are feeling much better now and that everything is gone. I guess that all the stress with the movement was not helping. So, take care!
    If you want to enjoy some spring days come to visit us! 🙂


    • Thanks Rocio! I feel better but not totally gone…But my hubby came home – life will be easier now…. 🙂
      I’d love to visit your amazing place…one day we will! 🙂

    • I’ve ‘always’ had problems with my stomach, colon, but it’s been very good for years…It’s better now, new blood test on Thursday…
      After Casa? I miss spring! 🙂 but there are a lot of good things but unfortunately quality of many things has gone down. But this is it for now.
      I’m positive! 🙂

  2. Oh dear!! When I read, “hospital” I got worried! Take care, please!!
    Snow again? Mmmm… I almost feel guilty here in southern Spain enjoying the sun and tapas! 😀 I’m in Córdoba (not *my* Córdoba in Argentina, but the real one in Spain!) today and tomorrow on to Granada and La Alhambra…
    Do get better, please!!!!!!!!

  3. Feel better soon! And, best of luck with the move 😀 With any luck, this will be the last of the snow, and the start of ‘the big melt’. Well…a girl can dream, right!?

    • Yes, a girl can dream, we know how to dream! 🙂
      We need bad days to appreciate good days! Flat life would be boring….

  4. Stressful times. I’m sure once you are settled, your husband arrives, and the sun starts to shine, you will be back to normal. Glad you went to the hospital though to kick start your recovery. Sending good thoughts for a great week!

  5. Hyvä, että kuume on sentään laskenut. Jospa nyt vihdoin pääsisit normaaliin päiväjärjestykseen. Ja ihanaa, että miehesi tulee jo tällä viikolla – kaksin aina kaunihimpi 🙂

    Voin muuten hyvin kuvitella, miten ikävää on, kun antibiootit pistää mahan sekaisin. Minulle kävi niin kesällä ja siinä ihan verikin lensi.

    Toivottavasti se kevät saadaan sinnekin pian, täällä on tooosi ihania ja lämpimiä ilmoja pidellyt jo viikon ajan!

    • Pikku hiljaa…keskiviikkona on muutto mutta onneksi homman hoitaa 4 karskia miesta! 🙂
      Mulla oli 2 yota maha kuralla, sen takia vatsa menikin niin huonoon kuntoon. Onneksi tajusin lopettaa sen kasilaakkeen syonnin tai toisaalta kasi oli jo parantunut siina vaiheessa.
      Meilla paistoi asken pitkaan ja hartaasti ihana aurinko! 🙂

    • Toivotaan. Onneksi tanaan voin jo paremmin vaikka kylla vatsa viela on vahan turvoksissa ja ajoittain kipristelee muttei ole lampoa.
      Taman on pakko menna vain parempaan suuntaan! 🙂 – joka suhteessa!

    • Ala muuta sano. Olen ollut kylla vahan alamaissa mutta tanaan jo vahan optimistisempi.
      Yritan ajatella, etta talla on joku tarkoitus mutta sehan selviaa vasta ajan kuluttua…
      Lunta, ei kiva.


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