behind the curtains…

Photos of the weekend #29













Unknown Mami

41 thoughts on “behind the curtains…”

  1. Jännittävä setti!
    Olin sitten unhohtanut reissussa tilata tämän uuden blogin readeriin ja ihmettelin jo hiljaisuuttasi postauksien suhteen… 😉 No, nyt se on korjattu!

    Thanks for your visits & comments!
    IF I have not visited your blog please let me know!
    This time I left a comment to almost 60 SSS participant’s blogs but didn’t have energy for more. 🙂
    I hope to see you all again next weekend!
    Have a great week ahead!

  3. love that these shadows are more than shadows cast on a wall or the ground, but the kind that make you look harder at positive and negative space.

  4. I very much like how you created so much from one idea. The incroaching detail of each portion of the larger window made for some wonderful contrast and shadow studies.

  5. These edits leave a texture on the subjects. I feel the depth of these in the literals dense, as the depth of artistry is for all to see here!


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