
Tag: languages

Aussie memories + some Icelandic… Aussi muistoja ja vähän islantia…

I cleaned up my computer yesterday…Now I have about 19 GB more space!I moved almost all of the full resolution pictures on to hard-disc…While surfing the pics I found these from our Aussie trip…to cheer up your day! 🙂 Tyhjensin eilen tietokoneesta melkein 19 gigaa täysresoluutiovalokuvia ulkoiselle kovalevylle…Kuvia selatessa muistelin Aussireissua…Tässä muutamia kuvia päivänne iloksi!

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how to pronounce PYYKKIPOIKA…argh! I didn't realize it's going to be this and my great ideas…but MINÄ RAKASTAN SINUA!

PYYKKIPOIKA that’s the link where you can find much more than this: “Y is like French U or German U-umlaut (Ü, i.e. U with two dots above it); this can cause some difficulties for English-speaking people, but you might try the following: prepare your mouth for pronouncing the i sound (as in “hit”) but

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