
Tag: radio

la-la-laa May, oh May!

🙂 yes, I’m (still) so ‘May happy’! (Even though it was snowing in the morning!) How about you, are you happy? ThemeArt May 2020 challenge is ‘in the kitchen’ Teemakuu-58 toukokuu haaste on ‘keittiössä’ Here’s another rosemary and a radio which I carry with me from room to room when not listening our main radio.

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do you listen to the radio? kuunteletko radiota?

Do you listen to the radio? What do you listen & where? Kuunteletko radiota? Kerro mitä ja mistä kuuntelet! Today I’ve been listening this Danish netradio jazz? or evergreens…or world…or classic… Do you listen to the radio at work or when blogging? Kuunteletko radiota töissä tai blogatessa?

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