
Tag: twitter

THE Social Traveler and French expats in Casa…

Last week I got a Tweet from The Social Traveler – of course we wanted to meet him! Ladies and gentlemen, THE Social Traveler! “Hi! I’m Bjorn and passionate about traveling and Social Media! Since 2006 I’ve had the luck to be working in Social Media and saw from upclose how rapidly a worldwide network

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hackers suck!

You remember my Twitter account was hacked?There were more victims (and will be). Read this Mashable article written couple of days ago:“It seems hundreds of Twitter accounts have started to Tweet out “weight loss” product spam today. Specifically, users who have had their accounts hijacked are Tweeting the message “I lost 20 lbs in 2

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UPDATED! I've been hacked on Twitter!

I changed my password already.  What else can/should I do?EDITHere’s what you should know if YOU got DM from me asking “Is this you?” It’s NOT ME!!!! So what should you do if you fall victim to a phishing scam turned social network worm? Be a friend and alert your contacts that messages posted are not

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BLOB by BLOGitse – a new Blogcatalog group for daring bloggers!

BLOB by BLOGitse – a new Blogcatalog group for daring bloggers! BLOB by BLOGitse is a group for people who are curious by nature, hungry for life, have the “sharing is daring” attitude and aim to improve their life quality by participating in a vivid network of people. B INTERESTED === > B INTERESTING! I have no special talents.  I am only

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twitter is great! a few links for you… twitter on yliveto! tässä muutama linkki teille…

I’ve been twitter user for some time now and I think it’s a great way find news, interesting web sites, blogs etc.Olen käyttänyt twitteriä jonkin aikaa ja se on erinomainen väline löytää uutisia eri lähteistä, mielenkiintoisia nettisivuja, blogeja jne.Art of elevators / täältä löytyy taiteellisia hissejä   Cool?   aika vänkiä vai mitä?Great,colourful ads / täältä löytyy

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