I love being a girl!

No, I’m not a feminist. But I’m a girl, a woman, who’s quite strong, stubborn, hard working, radical and kind (most of the time) and I want to continue talking about girls, women because it’s important. For all of us and our future.
My younger son sent me a link to the first video. He said I’d find it interesting.
He knows me! Do you like these kind of talks? Do we need these kind of talks? Or you couldn’t care less?

Kavita Ramdas directs the Global Fund for Women, the largest foundation in the world supporting women’s human rights across all borders.

Investing in women can unlock infinite potential around the globe. But how can women walk the line between Western-style empowerment and traditional culture? Kavita Ramdas of the Global Fund for Women talks about three encounters with powerful women who fight to make the world better — while preserving the traditions that sustain them.

Eve Ensler created the ground-breaking Vagina Monologues, whose success propelled her to found V-Day — a movement to end violence against women and girls everywhere.

In this passionate talk, Eve Ensler declares that there is a girl cell in us all — a cell that we have all been taught to suppress. She tells heartfelt stories of girls around the world who have overcome shocking adversity and violence to reveal the astonishing strength of being a girl.

Do you please people? Why?

0 thoughts on “I love being a girl!”

    I agree with you!
    “We are still very much afraid of the consenquences for ourselves and for our daughters.”
    Fear is our biggest problem. For example too many women are abused year after year because they are too frightened to leave the relationship.
    Too many women forget that we are bringing up tomorrow’s women and men. We are their mirrors, role models.

    I’d like to know what you mean by ‘Being a girl is much easier than being a boy’?

    I agree with you but my name is not Kate! 🙂
    I knew you’d have a word to say!

    Unfortunately in Finland a word ‘feminist’ sounds negative. BUT if the definition is like this:
    ‘any woman who has gained her freedom and right to choose how she lives her life’ yes, then I am a feminist! But I’m not a fan of labeling myself…

    Fear, power, control…
    It’s like adults were totally lost. Money and power makes people blind and deaf.
    What kind of role models selfish adults are?
    What kind of women and men mothers and fathers are raising today?
    Questions, questions…

    I know what you mean. We all want to be loved. Pleasing is one way to ‘earn’ love. I know several people who are
    big pleasers…and behind back pleasers complain but they can’t stop because they need acceptance, love > vicious cycle goes on and on…

    Powerful indeed!
    More great women coming soon!


    We’re moving on Sunday! Yes! Happy to get out of the hotel…
    I’ll be back tomorrow morning – now we go to have dinner.

    Have a great evening/day!

  3. Women socialize Men. When the feminine is not respected, a society does not flourish. We are seeing the ramifications worldwide as your commenters here are pointing out. It is not easy to give up power and the will for power is a strong drive. We are seeing this played out in the US as the demographics change and the traditional power base is so up in arms they can’t think or see straight. I agree with Cloudia. We don’t have to give ourselves a label, it’s just called being nice, compassionate, and walking through this life with a sense of fairness and fellowship for all living creatures.

    Great post. I admire your pluck and style.

  4. It’s been proven that in countries where women are educated and have economic power, the nation is less violent and more prosperous. Any time you do anything to empower a girl, the world benefits. This is such an important conversation to have and keep having. Right on, Kate!

  5. I love being a girl as well.
    Unfortunately women still are undermined and mistreated in so many parts of the world.
    Being a girl is much easier than being a boy, so I am very happy about being a girl!

    I did not have the patience to listen to the first video,but I did listen to most of the second one.

  6. We have been relegated to playing second fiddle in all affairs except child-rearing, and we have accepted that role for centuries. In the sixties, many of us stood up and spoke out about these narrow roles of ours. We spoke out, but no way did we continue to unite and speak out. We are still very much afraid of the consenquences for ourselves and for our daughters.

    It’s about time we stood shoulders to shoulders and find a stronger voice, through arts, politics, community engagement. We must run for offices and become policy makers.

    Thanks for this topic. It’s like fertilizer.


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