Blogger and corruption problems…

Not able to upload new photos!
I don’t understand WHY we don’t get help…
I can’t upload pictures at all. The same problem I had in April.
I’ve changed to ‘old editor’, back to new, changed the browsers, emptied caches – nothing.
We know Blogger Draft is beta version but it’s NOT an answer.
You should NOT publish draft version for masses before the BASIC functions are working.
How long I have to wait?

read my lips – 
how long do I have to wait?
No. This picture is not new…

Corruption news from Morocco.

Our friends spent a weekend by the sea, out of Casablanca.
On the way back police stopped them from speeding.
No radar. No document to prove they were speeding.
They were NOT speeding.
But they had to pay 400 MAD (36 euro).
I knew this happened in Egypt but I didn’t know it happens here too!

Guess if I want to travel around here by car alone?
I hate it if I can’t TRUST the police!
They can do anything if we refuse to pay!
How safe I feel after that story…argh!

Is it fair that this country gets money, help, support from outside 
but is corrupted inside? 

EU wake up!

“With funding of €80 million, the “Programme d’appui à la réforme de la fiscalité” will help to simplify and rationalise Morocco’s fiscal system, focusing in particular on VAT reform.
In addition, two new environmental programmes have been adopted in the field of water and waste water policy, backed by EU funding worth €40 million.
The Commission has also earmarked support to improve the country’s migration management policies.”
full article

Another article…

“Most notably, the overdue in-depth reforms of the Moroccan political institutions, insinuated by the Royal Palace on numerous occasions, remain pure discourse. Legal reforms, while valuable in themselves, are being voided of meaning by the absence of the rule of law in Morocco. Some improvements in the area of women’s and children’s rights hardly sufficed to cover up the recent backlash against the free press, civil society and free assembly. Although the European Commission increasingly stresses the features of this structural time bomb in its various writings on Morocco, including undesired effects on key EU interests, these assessments unfortunately do not appear to meaningfully inform EU policy-making. Ironically, the first EU-Morocco summit in Granada, intended to celebrate Morocco’s status as an ‘advanced’ EU partner in the Mediterranean, follows the closure of the pioneer of Morocco’s independent press, the political magazine Le Journal, just a few months earlier. This and numerous other examples indicate that solemn speeches are not enough anymore for a Kingdom that wants to be perceived as ‘advanced’.”

I found this from Egypt State Information Service…

“Budget and Phasing of EU-Support Program (2007-2010)
Major priorities:
Competitiveness and productivity of the Egyptian Economy (€220 million)
Sustainable Development, Human and Natural Resources Management (€298 million)
Democracy, Human Rights and Justice (€40 million)
Negotiations are due begin this year on the 2011 – 2013 budget which will provide Egypt with a sum of
€449.29 million in non-refundable grants.”

EU seems to have a lot of money to spread around…

0 thoughts on “Blogger and corruption problems…”

  1. >>MAMI
    nope but maybe I will…thanks for the hint!

    Tarkoitin sita etta asiasta pitaa kirjoittaa julkisesti on se sitten blogi tai painettu lehti. Mita enemman asiasta puhutaan aaneen tilanne voisi muuttua. Jos ei puhuta eika nosteta pinnalle kaikki jatkuu ennallaan…
    Onneksi on rohkeita ihmisia ja yhteisoja jotka uskaltavat aaneen ottaa kantaa…

    I know what you say. I’ve noticed how ‘serious topics’ get less comments (sometimes more readers though) than easy topics. Most of the bloggers want only to relax…heavy topics are not that interesting…

    Why didn’t I chose to be a police…I could be rich by now!

  2. Those in power do not relinquish it without insistent demand, people have become mostly passive, it seems. The news is just a 15 minute inconvenience while the popcorn gets nuked, and now it’s time for Dancing With The Stars. It’s quite pathetic and calls for another beer.

  3. Näissä maissa ei rehellisyyttä ja oikeudenmukaisuutta ole vielä keksittykään, korruptio toimii pienimmästä suurimpaan ja sitä on tosi vaikea kitkeä pois, täällä yritetään koko ajan, päitä tippuu vähän väliä, mutta kun sitä on joka tasolla ei mikään tunnu auttavan. Mitä tarkoittaa käytännössä sitä ei tarvitse hyväksyä? Viranomaiset voivat halautessaan tehdä elämästäsi tosi hankalan.

  4. >>YAELIAN
    no en tieda minakaan…help forumilla on useita joilla ongelmia – en siis ole yksin.
    Vaikka korruptio olisi kuinka arkipaivaa sita ei tarvitse hyvaksya.
    Sen hyvaksyminen kertoo miten yhteiskuntaa pyoritetaan.
    Jos poliisi on korruptoitunut mita se kertoo yhteisosta kokonaisuudessaan. Ei ainakaan minun silmissani herata luottamusta rehellisyydesta eika oikeudenmukaisuudesta…

  5. Mulla ei ainakaan toistaiseksi,tai yhden kerran oli,ollut ongelmia tuon betaversion kanssa,joten en tiedä miksi joillekin niitä ongelmia tulee ja joillekin ei.
    Tuollaiset korruptioasiat ovat niin arkipäivää kaikissa 3 maailman maissa…..


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