we are in…

a city


city by BLOGitse

beautiful old buildings


city by BLOGitse

buses using natural gas


city by BLOGitse

you can walk everywhere!


city by BLOGitse

on Sunday pubs closed at 10 pm


city by BLOGitse

there are a zillion cafes where you can sit and relax


city by BLOGitse

a lot of green


city by BLOGitse

it’s clean


city by BLOGitse

you can find everything in this city


city by BLOGitse

this city has several beautiful bridges


city by BLOGitse

and water…a lot of water!…sorrounded by water! and boats…a lot of boats! 🙂


plane by BLOGitse

and you can almost touch planes above… 🙂


We are in SYDNEY, Australia!


More Sydney pics coming later when we’ve been around little bit more…

Our youngest son lives here with his family –

we’re going to be very busy during our stay as you can imagine… 🙂

I’m sorry but I will not have time to visit your blogs as often as I’d like to

but when back at home I promise to be a good blogger again!


ps. it’s been grey and rainy but today sun is shining and the forcast is good.

Hopefully more sunny Sydney pics coming later! 🙂




21 thoughts on “we are in…”

    • You’d love Sydney. You can find everything in this city, beach life, art, music, good food, wine and the most important thing: people are more relax than in Europe and nice.
      Most of the people are not born here. They other day my pedicurist was Chinese. Yesterday our waiter was from France….Here my English is gooood! 🙂

  1. Enpäs olisi arvannut että siellä olette.En ole käynyt,mutta aina saa kuulla miten ihana kaupunki Sidney on.Serkkuni poika on siellä vaihto-oppilaana,eikä millään tulisi takaisin,ja toisen serkun poika vaihto-oppilasvuoden jälkeen jäi vielä opiskelemaan yliopistoonkin sinne,ja takuulla ei tule takaisin kylmään Suomeen. Kuulemma mukavinta ovat rennot ihmiset….

    • Taalla osataan nauttia arjessa. Juttua syntyy mita erilaisimmissa tilanteissa ja suurin osa ihmisista on alunperin jostain muualta joka ilmeisesti yhdistaa ja edesauttaa helppoa juttelua.
      Voin hyvin kuvitella ettei tanne kerran kotiutunut halua pois muuttaa. Hyvia puolia on niin paljon…

  2. Ohhhhhh how wonderful!!! I’d love to visit Australia one day. But I don’t know what shocked me the most: to open your blog and discover that you were in Australia (the green trees sort of gave it away, and having street names ending in St. made me think you were Down Under! :D) or to read that you have a grown son, old enough to have his own family?! 😀

    • hahahah 🙂 I have a lot of secrets! 🙂
      Actually I have two grown sons! You know ‘if you start early you’re still young when your kids are adults! 🙂
      At this weekend I’m able to shoot more Sydney pics…we are not anymore in the heart of the city center (15 mins drive). Today we go to have a lunch at Bondi beach – pics coming next week!

      • I don’t know why I had imagined you were around your early 20s 😀 It’s not relevant or important at all, it’s just how I imagined you! 😀
        Enjoy your holiday and being with your family!!

      • Oh no…..your imagination is very wild! 🙂
        We do enjoy – right now I have my last minutes before the house is full of life again! 🙂

    Thanks for your comments!
    Oh boy we’re busy….and we LOVE it here!
    More pics coming soon!!!
    Time for coffee after yummy dinner…..

  4. Hey, you’re down under! Your photos are great. I can see how much you are enjoying yourself and are inspired by your surroundings by their excellent quality. I am happy you are having such a fab vacation.

  5. Enpäs tunnistanut ekoista kuvista, vaikka onkin tuttu kaupunki. Jos tarvitset hammaslääkäriä, niin voin lähettää osoitteen, meidän ystävällä on vastaanotto Manlyssa. Toivottavasti et tarviste. Hauskaa aikaa sukuloidessa. ☺


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