Casablanca, Morocco – daily life…

Casablanca, Morocco – daily life…

You remember I told you about the hot water tank and other issues here?


On Saturday we got a new tank…


emptying water tank in Casa Morocco by BLOGitse

Emptying the old hot water tank…


Casa Morocco downtown by BLOGitse

On Sunday we had a walk in Casa downtown…


fruit stall in Casa Morocco by BLOGitse

I shouldnt walk and shoot at the same time 🙂


park in Casa Morocco by BLOGitse

I’m sorry but this is NOT a park for me…


espresso by BLOGitse

I have a zillion espresso pictures 🙂


view from a balcony in Casa Morocco by BLOGitse

I’m sorry but I don’t like how people hang their property in their balconies…

We’re NOT sitting in our balcony – it’s not for that!

Here in Casa balconies are for hanging beddings and other stuff!


sky from a balcony in Casa Morocco by BLOGitse

The view before anything hanging out from upstairs…

My World Tuesday




0 thoughts on “Casablanca, Morocco – daily life…”

  1. Pingback: World Spinner
  2. My-self and my partner came to Casablanca on the 1st of October, 2010, on a 1 day stop-off Cruise and yes, it was truly wonderful, I/we liked it so much we are coming back in March 211 for 3 weeks. The walked from the port, then to the Mosque, passing Ricks Bar, then a petit cab to the market, where we spent 3 hours – my partner speaks French, I speak Spanish, and yes I am now putting every effort into Morrocan Arabic, so far I have 70 words in 2 weeks my aim is 99. Now about the clothes drying in the streets, try Venice, or parts of Spain where we have lived on and off for 4 years. But for me the coffee shops, meat and bread stalls, were wonderful.
    But the Morrocans were the builders of Spain, Cordoba, Granada, Saville, etc., etc. I got on so well with some of the people and one guy who ran a coffee shop near the port gave me a bag for my cuff-links, I did say to him “I will be back” – I cannot wait to see his face. I am living in Cornwall now, a lot of difference from Casa.

    You have a great site ! !

    • Thanks for your comment Colin!
      We’ve been walking the same route… 🙂
      Cornwall – I’ve been there many, many years ago. Totally different from Casa I agree! 🙂
      We speak a little Spanish too but I gave up with French. I don’t have a teacher plus I lost motivation.
      Spanish I’d love to learn again and to live in Spain again! sigh!
      If you come to Casa in March and we’re there (planning to travel – dates open) please contact me! We’d love to meet you two!!!

    • I believe you! 🙂
      Etiquette – most of the people don’t know what that means anymore….it’s only me-me-me world today. So sad. And frustrating.

    • I’m happy to see you again. Next time I’ll show houses. It’s amazing how they’ve built totally modern next to old one. Very interesting. No space between.
      Hm…maybe I should add google earth picture too…let’s see. Have a nice evening! 🙂

  3. it’s ok to walk and shoot–it’s not as dangerous as driving and shooting.:p
    it’s good to see this side of Casablanca. laundry hanging out on balconies is an ugly sight but sometimes the living conditions call for it. there are apartments with clothesline at the roof but some people are too tired to climb the stairs and use their balcony to dry their laundry.

    • I meant the picture is not very sharp 🙂 But I shouldn’t shoot and walk. Pavements are broken, full of holes….
      There are clothes hanging everywhere 🙂

  4. I agree the balcony should be for enjoying the weather and view.
    It appears you were sitting across from the main media center with all those satellite dishes. That’s a large number grouped together. Those dishes can get pretty ugly too.

    • Oooh, you haven’t seen my pictures with a zillion dishes? Maybe I’ll post some of them soon…
      Television is most important – they love football in these countries…………

  5. Dang, that’s gotta be the world’s smallest hot water heater! The city looks very closed in and crowded but does make for interesting street photography but probably tough for good lighting situations. Love the fruit stand and the hanging bananas!

    • No it’s not! We had only 75 liters before this one 🙂
      “Closed and crowded” – you’re right. Nice to walk and look but I wouldn’t like to live in a street like that. Too noisy.
      Bananas rock! 🙂

  6. Very interesting, definitely a different culture than where I live. If we hung our clothes outside, we’d be breaking the rules of the neighborhood where we live and they’d fine us! It looks like a beautiful city.

    • Totally opposite of Casa 🙂
      This city has certain areas which have beautiful houses. Mainly this is mixture of old and new. And buildings are licking each others…you hear everything…

  7. Täällä on yritetty kieltää pyykin ja petivaatteiden riiputtaminen julkisivulla näkyvissä, yleensä sitä näkeekin vain aamupäivisin. Tuo on kyllä totta täälläkin, että usein siisteys loppuu kynnykselle. Matot ravistellaan surutta parvekkeelta naapurin parvekkeelle, muuta paikkaa ei kerrostaloissa ole, mutta se tapahtuu aina aamupäivisin, ei kukaan siivoa sen jälkeen. Paitsi minä, mutta meillä on onneksi omakotitalo ja kaksi parveketta, joista toinen takapihan puolella.
    Ei minua kyllä häiritse tuuletuskamat parvekkeilla ja ikkunoilla, vähän väriä kaupunkikuvassa 😀 Roskaisuus häiritsee, koska ei maksa mitään viedä roskat roskalaatikoihin, ilmaista lystiä olisi.

    • Ihmettelen miksei modernit naiset, jotka ovat matkustaneet ja nahneet muutakin kuin omat nurkkansa, toimi niin, etta taloihin suunnitellaan jo rakennusvaiheessa kodinhoitohuone/tila ja pihalle mattoteline. Parvekkeet voisi myos suunnittella sen verran korkeiksi etta kuivausteline tai muu systeemi mahtuu hyvin piiloon.
      Taalla, niin kuin Egyptissakin, olisi valtava tilaus kunnolliselle asuntosuunnittelulle. Naissa maissa ei ole minkaanlaista kaytannon tajua. Reception on kylla valtava mutta keittio saattaa olla pimea pieni koppi. Taitaa menna sukupolvia ennen kuin naiset saavat kunnon tyoolosuhteet. Miehethan taalla ei tee mitaan kotihommia (poikkeukset on harvinaisia)…

    • You’re welcome Dimple 🙂
      I wish people would take care of their environment.
      People clean and wash clothes but streets are full of holes and it’s really dirty…People go shopping to mall and they empty all their trash from cars where they park. On the ground. Just like that.
      We have a plastic bag in our car. We take that into trashbin. Not very difficult.

  8. How familiar a sight, as over here people use the same kind of water tanks. Wishing you always two hands full of warm water and a wonderful Tuesday.

    p.s.: no other sites opening up tonight 🙂

    • Thanks robert 🙂
      That tank is 100 liters. I wonder why every house/flat have several bathtubs – how that size of tank will last if more than one person is having a bath?
      ps. redirect problem was pain…but now it’s gone, what a relief……

    • Ebie, both – limited space inside and sun outside. 🙂
      So far I’ve had enough hot water to enjoy shower till the end…. 🙂

  9. Nice to see pics of Casablanca! Onneksi saitte uuden vesitankin,toivottavasti toimii kunnolla.Joo ei ole kivan näköistä jos pyykit heiluu parvekkeista. Täällä yleensä on ulkoseinässä sellaiset pyykinkuivaustelineet,mutta ne on peitetty niin etteivät pyykit näy ulkopuolelle.Vanhoissa taloissa saattaa joskus pyykit näkyäkin kun ei ole sellaisia peittäviä telineitä.Tuo puisto ei tosiaankaan kivalta näytä mutta talo sen takana näyttää ihan ok.Mukavaa viikkoa Casaan!

    • Oli nastaa ekan kerran suihkussa kun lammin vesi riitti loppuun asti! 🙂
      Monilla taallakin on telineet mutta silti peittoja, mattoja, takkeja ym. roikotetaan parvekkeen kaiteella.
      Ei tulisi mieleenkaan istua ja nauttia aamukahvia parvekkeella. Sielta saattaa yhtaakkia pollahtaa kaikki poly alas kahviin. ei kiva.
      Ja taallahan siivotaan ja pyykataan kuin ei muuta tekemista olisi. ‘Kaikilla’ on siivooja joka pesee ja kuuraa. Mutta talojen ulkopuolelta ei ketaan kiinnosta milta nayttaa tai kuinka paskasta on. On se uskomatonta millaisessa sonnassa ihmiset voi elaa…Hissikin on sen nakoinen ettei ole ikina rattia nahnyt…jatkanko?

  10. I have to disagree a bit about the laundry hanging out. My grandma in New York had no choice. You hung the clothes out on a clothesline hanging out over the alley. You shared that line with the person across the way. Clothes were washed by hand. You had to climb onto the fire escape to hang your laundry or to reclaim it. There was no washer/dryer thing. Air conditioning was a big block of ice melting in a roasting pan on the kitchen table with a fan that blew the cold air (bought from the ice trucks that worked the neighborhoods) to the hotter corners of the apartment. Lots of people still live in such circumstances. Cut them some slack! As for me, I have central heat and air. I use them as little as possible because they cost so damn much!

    • And I have a question: why don’t people put a chair or two in the balcony and keep all that stuff ‘inside’?

      Most of the balconies have a possibility to have clotheslines ‘inside’ the balconies.
      IF the problem TODAY is to dry clothes it’s architect’s fault. They should know by now that we need a place to dry our clothes.
      We have clotheslines and we use them when necessary. Normally we have a place inside where to put them. I would never disturb my neighbors like this.
      Plus every floor is cleaning their shit to the air, not to trashbin. How charming is that?
      When our neighbour is cleaning I have to shut all the windows otherwise all their dust is in our flat.

      In Finland we have a place outside, in a back yard, where you can put your carpets to clean etc. Some old houses have balconies where you can clean your carpets etc. but it’s only a certain day(s) of the week and time.
      In Finland most of the balconies are for sitting, relaxing. For people to use and enjoy.

      You don’t want to know my opionion of the kitchens here or in Egypt………oh man….yes, men don’t do any cooking (or any housework!) that’s why kitchen is not important. Normally it’s darkest corner in a flat with very bad lightning and no idea of practicality!!!

    • Espresso is something they can do here. Fruits are good and don’t have any ‘wax’ on them, and taste good!
      Bangers…oooh, they make me crazy. I wonder why people around us don’t do anything about it…


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